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2023-09-04 16:40:17 +08:00
# Awesome Sentinel
A curated list of awesome things (e.g. samples, third-party extensions, blog posts) for [Sentinel](
If you want your component to appear here, feel free to submit a pull request to this repository to add it.
You can refer to the [awesome contribution guidelines](
You can also add to [sentinel-group/sentinel-awesome](
## Contents
- [Presentations](#presentations)
- [Tutorials](#tutorials)
- [Demos](#demos)
- [Extensions / Integrations](#extensions--integrations)
- [Blog Posts](#blog-posts)
## Presentations
- Sentinel 1.6.0 网关流控新特性介绍-Eric Zhao (Dubbo Tech Day-201905-Beijing): [PDF](网关流控新特性介绍-Eric%20Zhao-DTED-201905.pdf)
- Sentinel 微服务流控降级实践-Eric Zhao (Dubbo Tech Day-201907-Shenzhen): [PDF](微服务流控降级实践-Eric%20Zhao-DTED-201907.pdf)
- Sentinel 1.7.0 新特性展望-Eric Zhao (Dubbo Tech Day-201910-Chengdu): [PDF](新特性展望-Eric%20Zhao-DTED-201910.pdf)
## Tutorials
- [Sentinel Guides](
## Demos
- [sentinel-zuul-example]( A simple project integration Sentinel to Spring Cloud Zuul which provides Service and API Path level flow control management by [tiger](
## Extensions / Integrations
- [sentinel-support]( A support project for convenient Sentinel integration including properties file configuration, ActiveMQ integration and a JdbcDataSource implementation by [cdfive](
- [Sentinel dashboard multi-data-source adapter]( Sentinel dashboard multi-data-source adapter has integrated Apollo and Nacos configuration center for bidirectional modification persistence. Implemented by [finefuture](
- [Sentinel Rule Annotation Support]( A third-party library that supports configuring flow rule and degrade rule using annotation. Implemented by [code1986](
- [sentinel-pigeon-adapter]( A RPC framework Pigeon adapter for Sentinel including provider and invoker rate limiting implementation by [wchswchs](
## Blog Posts
- [Sentinel 为 Dubbo 服务保驾护航](为-dubbo-服务保驾护航) by [Eric Zhao](
- [在生产环境中使用 Sentinel 控制台](在生产环境中使用-Sentinel) by [Eric Zhao](
- [Sentinel 与 Hystrix 的对比]( by [Eric Zhao](
- [Guideline: 从 Hystrix 迁移到 Sentinel]( by [Eric Zhao](
- [Sentinel 控制台监控数据持久化【MySQL】]( by [cdfive](
- [Sentinel 控制台监控数据持久化【InfluxDB】]( by [cdfive](
- [Sentinel 控制台监控数据持久化【Apollo】]( by [cookiejoo](
- [Sentinel一体化监控解决方案 CrateDB + Grafana]( by [Young Hu](
- Sentinel 源码解析系列 by [houyi](
- [Sentinel 原理-全解析](
- [Sentinel 原理-调用链](
- [Sentinel 原理-滑动窗口](
- [Sentinel 实战-限流](
- [Sentinel 实战-控制台](
- [Sentinel 实战-规则持久化](
- Sentinel 学习笔记 by [ro9er](
- [Sentinel 学习笔记1-- 流量统计代码解析](
- [Sentinel 学习笔记2-- 流量控制代码分析](
- [Sentinel 学习笔记3-- 上下文统计Node建立分析](
- [大流量下的服务质量治理 Dubbo Sentinel 初涉]( by [RyuGrade](
- Sentinel 深入浅出系列 by [shxz130](
- [Sentinel 深入浅出之原理篇 SlotChain](
- [Sentinel 深入浅出之原理篇 Context初始化 & Entry初始化](
- [Sentinel 深入浅出之原理篇 NodeSelectorSlot](
- [Sentinel 深入浅出之原理篇 ClusterBuilderSlot](
- [Sentinel 深入浅出之原理篇 StatisticSlot&滑动窗口](
- [Sentinel 深入浅出之原理篇 SystemSlot](
- [Sentinel 深入浅出之原理篇 AuthoritySlot](
- [Sentinel 深入浅出之原理篇 FlowSlot](
- [Sentinel 深入浅出之原理篇 DegradeSlot](
- [Alibaba Sentinel RESTful 接口流控处理优化]( by [luanlouis](
- [Sentinel 控制台前端开发环境搭建]( by [cdfive](
- [阿里 Sentinel 源码解析]( by [Javadoop](
- [Introduction to Alibaba Sentinel]( by [Amit Bhave](