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Raw Blame History

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<view class="wrap">
<view class="u-tabs-box">
<u-tabs-swiper ref="tabs" :current="current" :is-scroll="false" :list="list" activeColor="#f29100"
swiperWidth="750" @change="change"></u-tabs-swiper>
<swiper :current="swiperCurrent" class="swiper-box">
<swiper-item v-for="idx in 5" :key="idx" class="swiper-item">
<scroll-view scroll-y style="height: 100%;width: 100%;" @scrolltolower="reachBottom">
<view class="page-box">
<view v-for="(res, index) in orderList[idx]" :key="res.id" class="order">
<view class="top">
<view class="left">
[{{ index + 1 }}]
<u-icon :size="30" color="rgb(94,94,94)" name="clock"></u-icon>
<u-icon :size="26" color="rgb(203,203,203)" name="arrow-right"></u-icon>
<view class="store">{{ res.createTime }}</view>
<view class="right">{{ res.param.orderStatusName }}</view>
<view v-for="(item, index) in res.orderItemList" :key="index" class="item">
<view class="left">
<image :src="item.imgUrl" mode="aspectFill"></image>
<view class="content">
<view class="title u-line-2">{{ item.skuName }}</view>
<view class="type">活动金额:¥{{ item.splitActivityAmount }}</view>
<view class="type">优惠券金额:¥{{ item.splitCouponAmount }}</view>
<view class="right">
<view class="price">¥{{ item.skuPrice }}</view>
<view class="number">x{{ item.skuNum }}</view>
<view class="u-type-error">¥{{ item.splitTotalAmount }}</view>
<view class="total">
<text class="total-price">
<text class="decimal">现价:¥{{ res.totalAmount }}
原价:¥{{ res.originalTotalAmount }}
<view class="bottom">
<view class="more">
<u-icon color="rgb(203,203,203)" name="more-dot-fill"></u-icon>
<view class="logistics btn">查看物流</view>
<view class="exchange btn">卖了换钱</view>
<button class="evaluate btn" @click="getOrderInfo(res.id)">订单详情</button>
<view class="evaluate btn">评价</view>
<u-gap height="30"></u-gap>
<u-loadmore :status="loadStatus[idx]" bgColor="#f2f2f2"></u-loadmore>
export default {
data() {
return {
// 订单列表
orderList: [
// 订单类型、状态与数量
list: [{
name: '待付款',
orderStatus: 'UNPAID',
count: 0
name: '待发货',
orderStatus: 'WAITING_DELEVER',
count: 0
name: '待收货',
orderStatus: 'WAITING_TAKE',
count: 0
name: '待评价',
orderStatus: 'WAITING_COMMON',
count: 0
name: '已完结',
orderStatus: 'FINISHED',
count: 0
// 当前选中的选项卡
current: 0,
// 当前的swiper
swiperCurrent: 0,
// 每个选项卡数据加载的状态
loadStatus: ['loadmore', 'loadmore', 'loadmore', 'loadmore', 'loadmore'],
// 每个选项卡初始页面
page: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
// 每个选项卡总页数
pages: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
// 每次列表请求的记录条数
limit: 5
async onLoad(options) {
// 请求不同状态的初始列表数据
await this.getOrderList(0, 'UNPAID');
await this.getOrderList(1, 'WAITING_DELEVER');
await this.getOrderList(2, 'WAITING_TAKE');
await this.getOrderList(3, 'WAITING_COMMON');
await this.getOrderList(4, 'FINISHED');
let current = +options.current;
if (current !== -1) {
methods: {
// 触底加载
reachBottom() {
const orderStatus = this.list[this.current].orderStatus;
if (this.loadStatus[this.current] !== 'nomore') this.getOrderList(this.current, orderStatus);
// 页面数据
// idx是数组下标orderStatus是订单状态的常量值请求接口的时候需要使用
async getOrderList(idx, orderStatus) {
const result = await this.$u.api.getFindUserOrder({
page: this.page[idx],
limit: this.limit,
// 给每个选项卡存储总页数以及总记录数
this.pages[idx] = result.pages; // 设置总页数
this.list[idx].count = result.total; // 总记录数
// 对于每个选项卡
// 其中每一个如果总页数为0则没有记录loadmore组件状态为nomore
// 并且不需要执行后续操作内容
if (this.pages[idx] === 0) {
this.loadStatus.splice(idx, 1, 'nomore');
// 如果每个选项卡的当前页值小于总页数值,
// 那么需要将请求后的数据与之前数据进行数据合并,
// 并且确认loadmore组件的状态为loadmore可加载更多
// 还需要将页码数进行+1操作
if (this.page[idx] <= this.pages[idx]) {
this.orderList[idx] = [...this.orderList[idx], ...result.records];
this.loadStatus.splice(idx, 1, 'loadmore');
this.page[idx] = this.page[idx] + 1;
} else {
this.loadStatus.splice(idx, 1, 'nomore');
async getOrderInfo(id) {
// tab栏切换
change(index) {
this.swiperCurrent = index;
this.current = index;
const orderStatus = this.list[index].orderStatus;
this.getOrderList(index, orderStatus);
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page {
height: 100%;
background-color: #f2f2f2;
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font-size: 24rpx;
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