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# 查询数据
## 一、单表查询
### 1.查询所有字段
#### 1在 select 语句中使用 * 查询所有字段
语法select * from 表名;
#### 2在 select 语句中指定所有字段(字段名可以变换顺序)
语法select f_id,s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits;
### 2.查询指定字段
#### 1查询单个字段
语法select f_name from fruits;
#### 2查询多个字段
语法select f_id,s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits;
### 3.查询指定记录where
可以跟 =,>,<,<>,!=,<=,>=,between,and
查询 f_name 是 xxxx 的字段
语法select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_name='xxxx';
查询 f_price 不等于 10.2 的字段
语法select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price<>10.2;
查询 f_price 在5和10之间的字段
语法select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price between 5 and 10;**(包含端点值)**
查询 f_price 不在5和10之间的字段
语法select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price not between 5 and 10;**(不包含端点值)**
### 4.使用in关键字查询
使用 in 关键字将检索条件括起来,检索条件之间用逗号隔开,只需要满足条件范围内一个值即为匹配项。
语法select s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits where s_id in(101,102);
**可以使用关键字 not in 检索不在条件范围内的记录**
语法select s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits where s_id not in(101,103);
### 5.带 like 的字符匹配查询( % _
#### 1%匹配任意长度的字符包括0个字符
语法select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_name like 'b%';
语法select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_name like '%p%';
语法select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_name like 'b%y';
语法select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_name like '____y';
### 6.查询空值is 【not】null
查询 f_name 为空
语法select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_name is null;
查询 f_name 不为空
语法select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_name is not null;
### 7.带 and 的多条件查询(相当于‘与’,同时满足多个条件)
语法select f_name,f_price from fruits where s_id=101 and f_price>=5;
语法select s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits where s_id=101 and f_price>=5 and f_name like 'a%';
### 8.带 or 的多条件查询(相当于‘或’,满足一个条件即可)
语法select s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits where s_id=101 or s_id=103;
语法select s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits where s_id in(101,103);
**and 的优先级高于 or**
**在实际开发中使用 in 操作符开发语句,更加简单明了,并且 in 执行速度要快于 or ,更重要的是使用 in 操作符,可以执行更加复杂的嵌套查询**
### 9.查询结果不重复distinct
查询 id 不重复
语法select distinct s_id from fruits ;
### 10.对查询结果排序(默认升序【asc】降序【desc】)
#### 1单列排序
语法: select distinct s_id from fruits order by s_id;
语法select distinct s_id from fruits order by s_id desc;
语法select s_id,f_name from fruits order by f_name;
#### 2多列排序
语法select s_id,f_name from fruits order by s_id,f_name;
先按照 s_id 排序, s_id 相同时再按照 s_name 排序
语法select s_id,f_name from fruits order by s_id desc,f_name desc;
### 11.分组查询group by通常和集合函数配合使用
#### 1创建分组
语法select s_id,count(*) from fruits group by s_id;
语法select s_id,count(*) as total from fruits group by s_id;
as 后面是别名
若查看每个供应商提供的水果种类名称可以在group by中使用group_concat()函数,将每个分组中各
个字段的值列举出来例如语法select s_id,group_concat(f_name) from fruits group by s_id;
语法select s_id,group_concat(f_name) as names from fruits group by s_id;
#### 2使用having过滤分组
语法select s_id,group_concat(f_name) as names from fruits group by s_id having count(f_name)>1;、
select s_id,group_concat(f_name) as names from fruits where s_id>=104 group by s_id having count(f_name)>1;
#### 3在group by子句中使用 with rollup
语法: select s_id,count(*) from fruits group by s_id with rollup;
**注意: with rollup和order by不能同时使用互斥**
#### 4多字段分组
语法select s_id,f_name,count(*) from fruits group by s_id,f_name;
#### 5group by 和 order by一起使用
语法select s_id,count(*) from fruits group by s_id order by s_id;
### 12.使用limit限制查询结果数量
语法select * from fruits limit 4,3;
语法select * from fruits limit 3 offset 4;
语法: select * from fruits limit 3;
## 二、使用集合函数查询
### 1.count()函数
1select count (*) as name from 表名;
3和group by关键字一起使用
语法select o_num,count(*) from orderitems group by o_num;
select sum(quantity) from orderitems where o_num=3005;
### 2.sum()函数(求和)
语法select o_num,sum(quantity) from orderitems group by o_num;
### 3.avg()函数(平均值)
语法select o_num,avg(item_price) from orderitems group by o_num;
### 4.max()函数(最大值)
select o_num,max(item_price) from orderitems group by o_num;
### 5.min()函数(最小值)
select o_num,min(item_price) from orderitems group by o_num;
## 三、连接查询
select 查询的列 from 表名 连接类型 表名2 on 连接条件
【where 筛选条件】【group by 分组字段having分组后筛选条件】【order by 排序字段】
### 1.内连接查询inner join=join
不满足 on 后连接条件的会直接过滤掉
select, from student join class on where like '%小%';
### 2.外连接查询
#### 1左外连接left outer join=left join
select *from student left join class on;//以左表为主若没有与它匹配的是空
#### 2右外连接right outer join=right join
select *from student right join class on;//以右表为主若没有与它匹配的是空
### 3.符合条件连接查询
select, from student join class on student.class_id=class_id where like "%小%
select, from student, class where student.class_id=class_id and like %小%
select, from student join class on student.class_id-class_id and like %小%
seletc * from student as s1 join student as s2 on自连接
## 四、子查询
## 五、合并查询结果
## 六、为表和字段取别名
## 七、使用正则表达式查询
## 八、综合案例讲解
## 上课代码
show database;
use text2;
create table fruits(
f_id char(10) not null primary key,
s_id int not null,
f_name char(25) not null,
f_price decimal(8,2) not null
desc fruits;
insert into fruits
select * from fruits;
select f_id,s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits;
select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price=10.2;
select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price>10.2;
select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price<>10.2;
select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_name='xxtt';
select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price between 5 and 10;
select s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits where s_id in(101,102);
select s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits where s_id not in(101,103);
select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_price not between 5 and 10;
select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_name like 'b%';
select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_name like 'b%y';
select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_name like '____y';
select f_name,f_price from fruits where f_name is not null;
select f_name,f_price from fruits where s_id=101 and f_price>=5;
select s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits where s_id=101 and f_price>=5 and f_name like 'a%';
select s_id,f_name,f_price from fruits where s_id=101 or s_id=103;
select distinct s_id from fruits ;
select distinct s_id from fruits order by s_id asc;
select distinct s_id from fruits order by s_id desc;
select s_id,f_name from fruits order by f_name;
select s_id,f_name from fruits order by s_id,f_name;
select s_id,count(*) from fruits group by s_id;
select s_id,count(*) as total from fruits group by s_id;
select s_id,group_concat(f_name) from fruits group by s_id;
select s_id,group_concat(f_name) as names from fruits group by s_id;
select s_id,group_concat(f_name) as names from fruits group by s_id having count(f_name)>1;
select s_id,group_concat(f_name) as names from fruits where s_id>=104 group by s_id having count(f_name)>1;
select s_id,count(*) from fruits group by s_id with rollup;
select s_id,f_name,count(*) from fruits group by s_id,f_name;
select s_id,count(*) from fruits group by s_id order by s_id;
select * from fruits limit 4,3;
create table orderitems(
o_num int not null,
o_item int not null,
f_id char(10) not null,
quantity int not null,
item_price decimal(8,2) not null,
primary key(o_num,o_item)
insert into orderitems
create table customers(
c_id int not null auto_increment,
c_name char(50) not null,
c_address char(50) null,
c_city char(50) null,
c_zip char(50) null,
c_contact char(50) null,
c_email char(255) null,
primary key(c_id)
insert customers values
(1001,'Redhook','200 Street','Tianjin','300000','Liming',''),
(1002,'Stars','333 Fromage lane','Dalian','116000','Zhangbo',''),
(1003,'Netbhood','1 Sunny place','Qingdao','266000','Luocong',''),
(1004,'J0t0','829 Riverside drive','Haikou','570000','Yangshan','')
select o_num,count(*) from orderitems group by o_num;
select sum(quantity) from orderitems where o_num=3005;
select o_num,sum(quantity) from orderitems group by o_num;
select o_num,avg(item_price) from orderitems group by o_num;
select o_num,max(item_price) from orderitems group by o_num;
select o_num,min(item_price) from orderitems group by o_num;
select min(f_name) from fruits;
select s_id,min(f_price) from fruits group by s_id;
select s_id,min(f_price) from fruits group by s_id order by s_id desc;
# 底部